Thursday, April 1, 2010

Christmas all year long

Starting the series of posts about WIPs, here I give you an old acquaintance: the nativity scene in cross stitch!

As you can see, it continues practically the way it was before.

What's left to finish: in this part, it lacks the sky, the stars, and the contour. And then two other parts, one the same size as this, another one the DOUBLE size of it.

Why can't I finish it: it's just too time consuming! Since I started embroidering the sky, I realized that no matter how many hours I spend doing it, only a small piece of it is finished.

What I can do to finish it: I think that with this one there's only one way. I have to pick a day a week only for it, I don't see another way to make it progress. I already doubt it will be done by next Christmas, and that just kills me!


Argery Araya C. said...

Samanta felicidades por sus bordados estan muy bonitaos ,un saludito a la distancia y que Dios te bendiga.

Samanta said...

Hola, Argery! Gracias por la visita, me encantó su blog! :)