This week has been im-pos-si-ble. By the blog activity, you have probably thought I have given up, haven't you? Of course not!
Despite the madness at work, which forced me to work late all these days, I've managed to keep some things moving. Look how un-be-liev-a-ble!!!
1. I've made TWO - that's right, T-W-O! - knitting rows;
2. I've taken part of the sewing circle.
The two knitting rows - imagine that - were made in DIFFERENT DAYS. I think there's no need for me to explain how hard it was to make anything, right?
As for the sewing circle, I had planned everything with a few girls from work: I've done everything I could to persuade them to join (they were not excited at all), I said I'd bring the easiest projects in the world and even the materials. Ultimately, having lunch in half hour to save time and then working till late, I gave up persuading them. I've started my little sewing project in the right day, at 10 p.m.. I've stopped at 11, due to absolute fatigue. But I was happy while sewing, knowing I've kept my word with all other girls that joined the circle that day. Being part of something like that is good to the heart. :)
All that made me think about two things: UFOs and WIPs.
UFO means UnFinished project - even the anagram needed creativity to be invented, since, as you can see, it doesn't match the words! Anyway, it's something that, for what I read, see and... well, do, it's absolutely normal. If you do any kind of handmade art, you've certainly had at least one project you've started and not finished.
This doesn't mean you will never get back to your UFO. It might be that you didn't like your color choice, or that the project is hard to make, or simply lack of time. But the matter is that they seem to haunt us sometimes, especially if they ended up in the back of a closet and we suddenly face them when looking for something else. It might even make us feel guilty.
On the other hand, WIP stands for Work-In-Progress. Note that this anagram matches perfectly, what shows a very different energy, doesn't it? These are the projects that excite us, that we want to see finished, and that usually have an extra motivation - for instance, a gift we want to give. Remember the book sleeve? I've thought of making it right after buying the book to give as a present, but I've only actually started when my friend S. confirmed she was coming to visit.
Thinking about all that, I've come to the conclusion that I do have a good list of UFOs - but I'll do my best so they are not forgotten, and so they're actually WIPs! Despite the difficulties at work, small steps have been taken, and I guess that, in the end of the day, that's what matters. I always remember what Brye Lynn, from Sew ~ Stitch ~ Create, says in the end of all her podcasts: "Craft everyday and make something beautiful". That's what I try to do!
And to prove that this blog is a WIP and not a UFO, it's now in Technorati and BlogBlogs - the codes below are for their tools to identify the garden!
Technorati claim code: G4G5C49VCCMY
Code for BlogBlogs.Com.Br
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